
Set up in 2012, Pragmatic QA has a wealth of experience in delivering cultural change and process improvement across the commercial, voluntary and public sectors.
We introduce Lean systems with the appropriate tools and techniques, involving everyone and emphasizing “learning by doing”.

Decades ago it was found that in order to maintain high levels of commitment of staff and volunteers to guarantee optimum value services, something more was needed.

Lean aims to create the greatest value for end users, consuming fewest resources, utilizing the talents of the people who do the work.

Lean thinking is a business methodology that aims to provide a new way of thinking about how to organize human activities to deliver more benefits and value to individuals while eliminating waste.

People are increasingly being confronted by new situations at work that require a way of thinking that they have not tried before. As the needs of stakeholders and end users change, we need to challenge conventional ways of working.

A Lean philosophy provides a means of developing ways of thinking that are clear and focus on involving everyone in “learning by doing”. At the same time, the philosophy encourages challenge in a no-blame culture. Sharing knowledge and problem-solving skills becomes second nature.